सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Brahmopanishad>"







In General

Brahmopanishad is a minor Upanishad comes under KrishnaYajur Veda. Brahmopanishad is intended to give a complete and clear idea of the nature of Atman, that has four states of consciousness: Jagrath, svapana, sushupti, turya.

Where the Vedic God like Vak reside? Is it in the body? How do they function? To whom belong this power? He, to whom this power belong, what is He?

Sage pippalada while answering to Sanaka said, it is Prana, which is same as Atman that exercise the power. Brahman that is all pervading rules all. Jiva is the one that identify itself with indriyas. Jiva mend the objective world from himself, just like a spider mend its web. In sushupti one knows about Brahman. A yogi enjoy bliss just like a child not desiring any happiness have it while playing which is his basic attitude. The supreme support of all thing, the kshtrajna which is same as Brahman is the one to be realized.

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Brahmopanishad is a minor Upanishad comes under KrishnaYajur Veda. Brahmopanishad is intended...

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Brahmopanishad is a minor Upanishad comes under KrishnaYajur Veda. Brahmopanishad is intended...

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